WEgate community

Wegate Community is a European network of women entrepreneurs and organizations that support women’s entrepreneurship. The community was founded in 2019 with the support of the European Commission’s COSME program.

Wegate Community’s mission is to empower women entrepreneurs to start and grow successful businesses. The community does this by providing a platform for women entrepreneurs to connect with each other, learn from each other, and share resources.

Wegate Community offers a variety of resources and services to its members, including:

-A networking platform where women entrepreneurs can connect with each other, find mentors, and collaborate on projects.
-A learning platform with courses, workshops, and webinars on topics related to women’s entrepreneurship.
-A resource library with information on funding, business planning, and other aspects of entrepreneurship.

Wegate Community is open to women entrepreneurs from all over Europe. To join the community, you can create an account on the Wegate website: https://community.wegate.eu/community/wegate-community

29 de September de 2023

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