The WEDO project was born within a European political reflection (Europe 2020 Strategy) that attributes the digital transformation of education and training systems a decisive aspect for growth: according to the DigiCompOrg: “it is essential that educational institutions re-evaluate their organisational strategies with a view to optimising their ability to innovate and make the most of the potential offered by digital technologies and content” (cf. DigiCompOrg, p. 7). This aspect concerns all training agencies (school and vocational).
Equipping themselves with effective digital tools means, for education and training providers, equipping themselves with innovative (such as artificial intelligence) and accessible technologies to facilitate access to lifelong learning for all people, including those who are at risk of greater marginalisation.
In the WEDO project, digital represents for women both the ‘learning environment’ and the space in which they can develop their own business ideas (in the start-up or relaunch phase).
The WE DO project therefore focuses on the one hand on strengthening the digital infrastructures and skills of the operators of the partner organisations; on the other hand, it experiments the new ‘training act’ with a specific target group, i.e. women between 20 and 45 years of age, who either have left the labour market or are on its margins and in a potential condition of exploitation and/or discrimination.
The chances of relocation and reintegration of these women also pass through a conscious use of digital tools and competences and through the enhancement of knowledge, skills and attitudes that make them aware and strong in their personal and professional resources.
In the WEDO project, digital represents for women both the ‘learning environment’ and the space in which they can develop their own business ideas (in the start-up or relaunch phase).
But what is WEDO’s challenge?
The WE DO! Realises a platform to increase/enhance the competences related to DigiComp (Communication Areas – Content Creation – Security), EntreComp (Ideas and Opportunities Areas, Resources, In Action), Life Comp (Personal, Social, Learning to Learn competence areas) of the people who access it. The proposed contents are in the form of video-testimonies, video-explanations, interactive pdfs, mini-simulation activities, exercises, ect. Their creation is based on gamification and ‘situational’ learning that makes the acquisition of knowledge and skills interactive and stimulating for the recipients.
The platform provides for the user to be accompanied throughout his or her journey, so that he or she can better understand his or her training needs and be directed towards areas of interest. For this reason, the platform is equipped with a chatbot that provides a welcoming and secure guide when accessing the platform.
For the partners, the WEDO platform represents a qualitative objective of great relevance that pushes organisations to constantly question how learning in the professional and educational spheres is changing according to the life conditions of learners, the social and cultural conditions in which they move, and the communicative changes (e.g. immersion in the digital age) that determine the need to develop adequate competences in learners in order to move easily in a changing world.
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